Main Page
[hide]As of April 25 2021[ish] the Darkstar Project & Project Topaz are deprecated. Please visit Landsandboat.
Welcome to the defunct Dark Star Project Wiki
Getting Started
General Reference links
FAQs / General Tutorials
Developer Reference Links and Tutorials
Scripting Tutorials
SQL / Database
Noteworthy custom codes
Things that need to be added
A (hopefully) current list of what we'd like help with is here: Worklist
You can always look at the list of Special:WantedPages and see if you can clear some of those out by filling in the information
Reference tables (any table that might need to be referenced often)
Source Code documentation (mainly public function documentation and how to communicate between lua scripts and the server)
Checklists for things that are and are not implemented (Eventually I would like to create goal pages that use these checklists, so if you can categorize things in a logical manner, that would be very helpful)
Anything else you can think of that might be helpful for either casual users or developers interested in Dark Star Project.